Technology Partners
The Jedox platform provides the most adaptable planning and reporting solution on the market today.
After selecting Jedox as our platform of choice and numerous successful projects, Sesquian has ...​
Become NZ's No1 Jedox Partner
Achieved Platinum Status
Established NZ's first Authorised Training Centre
Real time planning, on demand.
Jedox is the world’s most adaptable planning and performance management platform.
Choose or build any model
Integrate data from any source
Create any set of business logic rules
Model any attribute
Perform ad hoc analysis
See the complete picture, quickly.
Integrate data from any source, across all business systems, to create a single source of truth.
Extract value from all enterprise applications
Incorporate multiple data sources
Unify business functions
Leverage Jedox expertise and network
Deploy quickly
Easy access, no code needed.
Reflect the unique contours of complex businesses into simplified cross-organizational plans.
Drive insights with AI
Streamline collaboration
Govern access
Analyze multidimensional data
Simplify complex business rules